Established in 2017, the National Committee-Schwarzman Scholars partnership engages Schwarzman Scholars at all stages, helping further prepare them for leadership roles in the U.S.-China relationship. Through the partnership, current Schwarzman Scholars, recent graduates, and alumni have opportunities to learn from and engage with policymakers, policy influencers, and leading China experts in the National Committee’s network.
Current Scholars
Selected current scholars observe closed-door, Track II dialogues among Chinese and American policy influencers and functional experts on important strategic, economic, legal, and other sensitive issues in the bilateral relationship. Scholars also engage with members of Congress and other senior visitors traveling on National Committee delegations to China, giving the scholars access to U.S. policymakers and a platform to share their views on critical global issues.
Recent Graduates
Each year, one graduating scholar joins the National Committee for a twelve-month fellowship in New York City. The Schwarzman Scholar Fellow gains hands-on experience in the field of U.S.-China relations, exposure to leading China experts and policy influencers, and insight into the inner workings of running a nonprofit. The fellow is an integral member of the National Committee team, helping to develop and implement programs related to policymaking and the education of future leaders. Click here to learn about the 2023-2024 fellow, Bailey Johnson.
The National Committee organizes bi-annual seminars for Schwarzman Scholars alumni to refresh them on timely, substantive issues pertaining to China and U.S.-China relations, deepen relationships with fellow alumni, and further expand their professional networks with established figures in the field. The seminars, held in the United States and China, include lectures and discussions with leading academics, policy practitioners, and policy influencers.
About Schwarzman Scholars
Schwarzman Scholars is a fully funded one-year master’s program at Tsinghua University, the visionary creation of Stephen A. Schwarzman, chairman, CEO, and co-founder of Blackstone. The program is designed to give accomplished American, Chinese, and international students the leadership skills and professional networks needed to become global leaders.
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