The U.S.-China People’s Dialogue brings together leading American and Chinese nationals from a broad range of business, social, and cultural fields to explore ways to slow, if not reverse, the alarming “trust deficit” and downward trend in Sino-American relations.
The U.S.-China Track II Dialogue on Climate Finance brings together experts from academia, think tanks, business, and industry in both countries for off-the-record discussions on opportunities for bilateral collaboration on climate finance.
The National Committee's U.S.-China Track II Dialogue on Healthcare, established in 2017, examines the effectiveness of the healthcare systems in China and the United States and recommends ways to better measure and manage the delivery and efficiency of healthcare in the two countries.
The Professional Fellows Program, funded by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, is a two-way capacity building exchange for emerging NGO leaders in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the United States in the fields of environment, legal aid, philanthropy, and community building.
Since its inception in 2010, this bi-annual Track II dialogue has brought together leading American and Chinese economists, economic thinkers and business leaders for a day and a half of off-the-record discussions on important issues related to bilateral economic relations and the global economic system.
CHINA Town Hall connects leading China experts with Americans around the country for a national conversation on the implications of China's rise on U.S.-China relations and its impact on our towns, states, and nation.
The Public Intellectuals Program (PIP), launched by the National Committee in 2005, is dedicated to nurturing the next generation of China specialists who, in the tradition of earlier China hands, have the interest and potential to venture outside of academia to engage with the public and policy communities.
To promote high-level exchange and discussion of law and human rights issues in the United States and China, the National Committee and the China Foundation for Human Rights Development co-organize an annual U.S.-China Track II Dialogue on the Rule of Law & Human Rights. Established in December 2009, this Track II dialogue is the first of its kind to be jointly hosted by U.S. and Chinese non-government organizations.
NCUSCR is pleased to announce the twenty American China specialists selected for the eighth Public Intellectuals Program cohort.
In 2019, the National Committee established a new Track II dialogue between the United States and China to discuss issues related to the digital economy, in partnership with the Guanchao Cyber Forum, a division of Chinese Internet Security Conference. Since 2022, the Chinese partner has been the China-U.S. Green Fund. The dialogue focuses on bilateral concerns in technology and how the two countries can cooperate to deal with issues arising from technological development.