Tuesday, October 11, 2005 | 12:00 AM EDT - 12:00 AM EDT

The Asia Society, Korea Society and National Committee on U.S.-China Relations cosponsored an evening discussion with Christopher Hill, assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, on the Six-Party Talks. In his remarks, Ambassador Hill underscored the essential role of multilateralism in the Six-Party process, as it provided the means for different countries with the same interests to bear on the challenge of denuclearizing the Korean peninsula. Discussions held in the summer of 2005 represented progress in the process, as parties identified principles that all sides could agree on and which could act as signposts in future rounds of talks.

Ambassador Hill said that the Six-Party Talks represent a bright spot in U.S.-China relations, as the two countries are both engaged in pursuing a common objective of a denuclearized Korean peninsula.